But not in the suggested pattern: Those in kindergarten through 2nd grade had up to three times as much the recommended amount of homework. While the “10 minute rule” doesn’t technically apply to kindergarteners, the study found that these 5 year old Read More
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Wasikowska is no less impressive, although in a very different mode. She plays the one person in the movie who ought to be taken seriously a thankless role in a comedy. That Penelope can take care of herself is not quite enough Read More
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Last time, as the Chair the Balanced Budget Amendment campaign, fellow conservatives and I were urging Republicans to tie the unavoidable increase in the debt ceiling to a balanced budget amendment. Because it also prohibited tax increases, the amendment would have required Read More
2 points submitted 1 day agoI played Diablo 2 and I am not usually slow to pick up concepts in games but since I usually forego tutorials (not that PoE had much of it when I started fresh), I didn know that Read More